fictional design
aka speculative design
what is it?
la biennale de momon
online publication
questions + notes
How to create an art experience that is more than just an archive or a replication of a physical exhibition, but it's own thing, a new form of experiencing art?
how to make people engage with the publication? is it really a publication? what is a biennial?
how to reach people? what is my audience? how to make a digital publication an experience?
design notes
how have other artists or institutes dealt with this situation?

lots of visual replies of physical spaces

how did artists use websites as art?

abstract navigation / poetry could be a very important angle - the art of language
important terms: Telematic art, net art, Roy Ascott
navigation / text / background
what senses could you address online? like the blowing wind or the warmth of sunshine on your skin? the sound of Momon?
lightness of background colour could change with the weather information about Maumont (amount of UV light):
How to design a viable art experience in the digital realm, which gives justice to the aura of the art works?
Walter Benjamin described in 1936 how artworks have auras and how they are challenged in this new era of mechanical reproduction. Now, almost 90 years later we face still the same question, though mechanics have evolved into digitalisation. And with s global pandemic experiencing art in a physical location is no longer a possibility often. However this also might be an opportunity to explore new forms of experiencing art. Galleries like mama in Rotterdam have offered a virtual replica of their gallery, letting people all over the world visit. On one hand this breaking of physical borders reflects Benjamin’s
How to give a digital publication an aura?
could also be more colourful and the navigation could be more abstract. like just a block of text and when you hover over it you notice that words are links:
The village has changed from a place where everything was related to soil, work, growth and the seasons, to a place where the inhabitants mainly stroll, relax and dream.

Momon is the village as it exists in the mind.